AgePlan Services
AgePlan is redefining what aging is all about. Aging is about attitude. It’s about knowledge. It’s about quality of life. As the fields of Aging and Gerontology are revised and reshaped, AgePlan is your resource network and partner in building your aging plan with proven, goal-oriented, affordable services.
*DIS-Ability: Designated Individual Strengths and Ability
Consulting and Training
AgePlan also offers extensive consulting services designed to assist companies to enhance and expand their programs and services. AgePlan consulting services utilize a proven approach that clearly defines deliverables and sets specific project timelines to ensure project success. Consulting engagements have focused on process enhancement, clinical systems, and risk management procedures to successfully respond to regulatory and litigation issues.
AgePlan has extensive training and presentation capabilities. Your organization simply needs to identify a specific topic or general subject area in the fields of aging, disabilities and healthcare and we will design a customized seminar to address your agency’s needs.
AgePlan conferences are available on a related subject or topic area basis with presentation materials and conference logistics dsigned to meet the needs of agency/business .
Age-inars are web-based interactive learning sessions that are available to AgePlan customers. AgeInars are 60 minute web-based sessions that include focused training for participants to pose questions. Age-Inars can include up to 20 participants and are offered at prescheduled dates and times. Age-Inars are designed to challenge participants and promote linkages between the AgePlan faculty and participants.
Care Management
Providing care for an elderly relative or client can be overwhelming for the older adult, family members or service providers. AgePlan, Inc.. can provide Care Management for individuals and their family members as they navigate the maze of available aging services and support programs. The goal of the AgePlan® Care Management approach is to provide support and advocacy across the lifespan. It is the intent of AgePlan® to assist individuals as they access the network of aging services and programs found within their Naturally Occurring Living Communities (NOLC). The AgePlan care managers are available by in-person, by phone and by virtual platform. To access additional information regarding the AgePlan Care Management services please contact: vcapalbo@ageplan.com
Litigation Support
AgePlan provides Civil Class Action Litigation and Support. Including assessment, analysis, technical support and in class action lawsuits involving aging and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. AgePlan has provided expert witness testimony.
Foley v New Mexico Department of Health involving individuals discharged from state facilities; assessing community services and individual status involving any harm to over 700 individuals.
Powell v New Horizon involved potential harm from inadequate case management services.
The AgePlan process involves identifying an expert knowledge in the subject matter and support them with a team of professional to examine all aspects of care including individual’s social, psychological and health status and macro issues of system failures and gaps that to need to be addressed.
Mobile Technology
The new millennium offers the promise of technological advances in health, wellness, support and connections. Although these promises are most often assumed to benefit the young, AgePlan sees opportunity for people across the lifespan. New research supports the idea that brain function benefits greatly by using and acquiring new information and knowledge throughout one’s lifetime. Due to the large number of individuals aging and the projection that half the individuals currently in their early and mid sixties will live to over 90 years of age, technology, social networking and connectedness offers the greatest benefit to these individuals.
AgePlan experts are promoting advances in technology that promote individual choice, connections and monitoring.
AgePlan Institute
AgePlan, Inc. has launched AgePlan Institute, a not-for-profit agency based in Raton, New Mexico to bring experts from across the aging, disabilities, technology, health and public policy spectrum to examine the major issues facing the changing demographics in America and beyond. Ms. Bert Dennis is the director of the institute.
AgePlan Institute will bring together experts in a virtual “Think Tank” to examine and research issues in aging and disabilities and develop proposed solutions to meet these challenges.
AgePlan Institute can be contacted through our web site, Twitter, Linked-In and Facebook social media outlets.
AgePlan Institute encourages open conversation designed to gain the greatest input. This approach will support divergent ideas that are presented in a scholarly respectful manner. Research and policy outcomes will be published through the AgePlan portals, as well as, academically accepted and recognized journals.
AgePlan Institute is a non-profit entity organized for the following purpose:
1: Promote the sharing of information in the areas of aging and disabilities
2: Create and distribute innovative programs to promote inclusion and successful aging and disabilities
3: Provide a platform for providers, academics and professionals to discuss issues in aging and disabilities
4: Provide organizational and operational expertise to entities serving individuals with disabilities to promote quality, efficiency and innovation to improve services and supports to individuals throughout their life
5: Build a knowledge based network to promote successful aging in the community
6: Through on site and virtual training bring together providers, researchers, consumers to develop evidenced based solutions, supports and services in aging and disabilities
7: Provide real life opportunities for individuals to increase, maintain and advance their independence and choices in an integrate and inclusive environment
8: Building synergy between individuals, families, and providers for innovation in 21st century technology to promote independence through the individuals Natural Occurring Living Community (NOLC)
If you are interested in being a part of the AgePlan Institute – please contact Bert Dennis at bertdennis@ageplan.com
The AgePlan Institute is located at 274 North Fairview Raton, N.M. 87740